Monday, March 25, 2013

[Zoom In Other Branches: Jeonju, Korea] Amazing MANNAM !

These days, as I am running my blog about MANNAM volunteer association and its programs, especially our branch's <더 PEACE>, reading other branches' blogs and contacting with them helps me to run blogs as well as the programs. 
One of branches, Jeon-ju is also doing many activities and its blog offers many interesting information for all members of Jeonju branch but also for all MANNAM-ers all over the world! 

The title of blog is AMAZING MANNAM. Jeonju is one of the big cities of Korea and it has many cultural heritage and if you taste the best BIBIMBAP, you should come once and taste Jeonju Bibimbap. Even you can find  Samgak-Kimbap (Onigiri) of which name is the name 'Jeonju Bibimbap' in convenience stores. And in Jeonju, there is a Han-Ok village!

Jeonju has Hanok mauel which is a famous Korean traditional style house village. There are numerous of traditional houses huddled together. …This village was started to build around 1930. There is a gate called Pungnam Mun near the village. It was the entrance into the castle but it was pulled down because of Japanese merchanters. They had broken into the castle and constructed their houses their way. So, the ancestors started to build the houses in traditional way to resist them and maintain our own culture. The village has the spirit of people who had lived that in that time.  
Above this, you can enjoy and learn Korean traditional culture in Jeonju. And in the blog, useful information about Jeonju you can get! 
Like JEONJU, its richness of traditional culture, MANNAM Jeonju branch also is volunteering as the light of society. I recommend to visit the blog, not only for people who are interested in Jeonju or joining Jeonju branch, but also I want to introduce members in Busan and other branches because there are other information and many articles about our association.

On the other hand, if you are living in Jeonju, how about joining the volunteering activities or culture classes of MANNAM Jeonju? They visited orphanages and did meaningful programs with kids, and the volunteers gave hope to them practicing the culture of peace and love. You can see pictures and schedule and get contact information: !!!

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