Thank you for showing interests in the monthly peace talk concert, <더 PEACE> from MANNAM Busan North branch. It's time to hold the 5th talk already!
We would like to inform you that there is change in the schedule of the 5th <더 PEACE>talk concert. due to the events in celebration of Together Day both in Seoul and Busan, the 5th <더 PEACE> is delayed a week. The 5th <더 PEACE> will be at 7:30 p.m., on June 1st. The 6th talk is on the 4th Saturday as before. And the 6th speaker confirmed. (6th talk information will be uploaded soon after the 5th one)
*The 5th concert: June 1st 7:30 p.m.
*The 6th concert: June 22nd 7:30 p.m.
Please keep it and Hope you are not confused. We ask for your understanding regarding this change! If there is another question, please contact to mannamthepeace@gmail.com / 010.6718.0091 ! :)
안녕하세요 여러분,
여러분들의 꾸준한 관심과 사랑 덕분에 만남 부산 북부지부의 월간 평화 토크 콘서트 <더 PEACE>가 5회 째에 접어들고 있습니다.
이번 5회 <더 PEACE>의 일정이 약간 변경되었음을 여러분께 알립니다. 세계인의 날을 맞은 서울과 부산에서의 행사 일정으로 인해, 5월 25일에 예정되었던 5회 <더 PEACE> 는 6월 1일 저녁 7:30에 있게 됩니다. 그리고 6회 <더 PEACE>는 6월 22일에 그대로 진행될 것이며, 현재 예정 강연자가 컨택된 상태입니다.
*5회 콘서트: 6. 1 7:30 p.m.
*6회 콘서트: 6. 22 7:30 p.m.
이러한 변경사항에 대해 우리 모든 회원들에게 양해를 구합니다 :) 관련 문의가 있으신 분은 mannamthepeace@gmail.com/010.6718.0091 로 연락주세요 ^^
I can't forget the speaker's saying.
ReplyDeleteYes. We don't wanna have 'Poverty'.
But because everyone has one's poverty, we are needed each other and help together!
Thanks for giving me a open thinking.