Tuesday, June 4, 2013

[MANNAM Volunteer Association Intro Video from Druzey-Eng./Ru.] Meaning of 'Light' in MANNAM International Slogan

..When I bring my light which is my culture to you, and you bring your light which is your culture, and we learn from each other and we can take the best in one another's cultures and histories, and we truly have victory as individuals, also as a community.

It's not about the racial thing, or religious thing, or political thing but, instead, it's learning differences, we then want to be..we celebrate, we want to inspire each other and encourage each other. So, it's about sharing culture, not being separated... 

When Light Meets Light There is Victory


  1. I just watched same video! ^^

  2. Nice video to introduce the meaning and the purpose of MANNAM volunteer association! :D

  3. Wow.....
    Culture can be light!
    I thought 'it is a new,fresh and meaningful frame to meet a person' when I watch this video.

  4. Sharing culture and keeping what is best in each is a great idea.

  5. We can take the best from each other!
