: 101 Solutions to violence, terror, and war
(Mary-wynne Ashford & Guy Dauncey. (2006). Canada: New Society Publishers)
When I looked for books and journals about peace and peace campaigns, skimming the list of Indigo Sowon's list on its site, I found this book: Enough Blood Shed.
Korean title is not 'Enough Blood Shed' instead it reads '평화 만들기 101 (To Make Peace 101.)'
There are 101 solutions from comprehensive and abstract ones to very specific ones.
Solutions for individual, women, children&youth, schools, activists, religious organizations, conflict zones, special expertise, business, cities, nations the authors they are telling. And the another reason the book is useful is there are many activities of other peace organizations and links where we can get sources.
The book is encouraging people who want peace but are hesitating to act for it or don't know how they can act for peace. Authors try to suggest specific ways to support world peace.
Here are some quotes that encouraged me when I started <더 PEACE> in MANNAM and the city of Busan.
(There is an example about a boy who changed through an assignment whose topics were 15 of the most serious issues the world is facing. Students were told to find the hopeful solutions.)......He said, "I have never thought about any of these issues before. I have only cared about hockey. Now that I know, I'll never be the same again, will I?"...I think he was affected so deeply because the issues were presented by his friends and peers, rather than by me (the instructor of the course). He saw them (peers) struggling with their despair and finding hope in the steps that are already underway. (Transforming Our Thinking 46p.)Reading this part, I found that making changes is not that much huge or grand one and it can begin from ME. Also, I expected <더 PEACE> could be the place where one person can change his/her thought little by little through an another friend through discussion and sharing their thoughts. Now, it really works in <더 PEACE>!!!
Actually, <더 PEACE> talk concert is not like a difficult conference and there is no one who is a professional speaker or studies about peace. Some friends who have not participated yet and some readers who are reading our blog/facebook page think this talk concert is boring one or difficult one.
Among us, MANNAM, there are many people from all walks of life and we try to make the community without discrimination and misunderstanding. Just we come, and talk about peace and think about peace. Friends who joined event, actually told that it was fun and enjoyable and even they felt 2 hours is not enough!
The world is facing many problems which threaten humanity and it seems impossible to establish world peace in realistic world. However, why not? Why don't we transform our thinking? Like an above example and our example <더 PEACE>, our thinking is changed by the act and thought of one another around him or her.
Many parts of the book <Enough Blood Shed> inspire me to think about how to act for peace.
Two things I keep in mind:
- I am sure through this book that one activist is needed to start projects. If there was no one who started to walk for peace, we would just stay in our own life and couldn't make a step forward to world peace. One person, who thought volunteerism, Korean culture, and history began associating many organizations in Korea and it bore MANNAM Volunteer Association. In this point, I give respect to the Chairwoman Nam Hee Kim who started volunteer works through cultures and the Honorary Chairman, Man Hee Lee who helped her to set up many events remembering Korean histories.
- And secondly, I saw many examples and got many links of organizations or associations which are working for peaceful world and felt the need of networks. Some projects can be begun from one activist but if there is no network, although an activist wants to practice his or her thinking, all plans and projects will be failed. MIYC, whose purpose is to unite youth organizations around the world, is doing meaningful job and the effect / influence will become even bigger.
The book is not only encouraging but also it gives some practical tips and real examples of peace campaigns and movements for peace. I think it will be very helpful to whom wants to set up some new projects for peace or culture exchange program domestically / internationally.
Hope more and more people and organizations cooperate for the earth.
I amd not I used to. Cuz I met 더 PEACE and MANNAM :)))
ReplyDeleteI want to cheer you up! Go mannamthepeace!!! :))
Accomplish the promise of the New Testament ! !