Friday, February 1, 2013

How was your MANNAM, yesterday?

How was your MANNAM(it means 'to meet' in Korean language) yesterday? 
My MANNAM was so special and meaningful. 
Now, in Korea, it's 1:00 a.m. And yesterday it was rainning in Busan :) 
'The PEACE' team had plan to have MANNAM in Friday night.

Rodrigo, a Brazilian friend, who came to the 1st talk concert, and I visited MC Jun's restaurant and had dinner. Eating delicious meal, we talked about many things, and one of topics was 'discrimination.' We thought and agreed that it can be the next topic of concert. We discussed what we can talk and do in next concert!

What do you expect on February?

We, MANNAM The PEACE team hope our concert will be better. 
And we hope more people participate and want to establish culture of peace. 

What are you looking forward on February? 
Do you need the special event or you want to be inspired? 
Why don't you join us and find 'The PEACE'?
That's what we make together, because Light meets light, There is Victory. 

We invite you all to the 2nd MANNAM peace talk concert! Let's enjoy ! :) 


  1. I won't miss it!!! ;D

  2. Replies
    1. Oh, it will be on Feb 23th, Saturday! I bet you could see how the 1st concert was in 'Activities' page! :)

  3. Looking forward next concert :-)

  4. 이번 콘서트는 못봤어요!. 다음 콘서트는 언제 있나요?
