MIYC is the acronym of MANNAM International Youth Coalition, which was formed from groups of young people coming together with the vision and determination to unite people across borders, cultures, languages and nationalities. It's not a kind of subgroup of MANNAM, but it's a 'coalition' that consists of many youth organizations around the world including MANNAM Volunteer Association.
MIYC coordination team is in MVA and they do the planning and core communication helping all affiliates. However, there are not a host and a guest. The constructive feedbacks and ideas for projects to help set up MIYC and realize a vision a world of justice, peace, security and prosperity by creating a new culture for all humanity are welcome.
What Do You Feel When You Heard a Word, 'Youth' and'靑年'?
This is the time when hearts are pure and tender,
And with love's first emotions heedless melt;
When the mind shrinks not at the boldest venture,
And nature's gen'rous impulses are felt!
This is the time the soul needs no allurement--
No madd'ning influence t' excite its powers;
For, as the lark, that soars to heav'nly regions,
The spirit warbles through life's morning hours.
Oh happy youth! life's oasis of beauty!
What time in after years so pure and sweet?
Free from the lab'ring progress of great manhood,
It treads life's pathway with elastic feet!
-C. B. Langston, Youth
Above is some parts of a poem about youth. There are a lot of poems and quotes about youth. Why have so many people talked about youth?
Youth is generally the time of life between childhood and adulthood (maturity). Definitions of the specific age range that constitutes youth vary.......Around the world, the terms youth, adolescent, teenager, kid, and young person are interchanged, often meaning the same thing, occasionally differentiated. Youth generally refers to a time of life that is neither childhood nor adulthood, but rather somewhere in-between. Youth also identifies a particular mindset of attitude, as in "He is very youthful". The term youth is also related to being young. The term also refers to individuals between the ages of 16-24. (Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youth)Its definition varies depend on cultures and societies, but it is used as a term refers to people between the ages of 15-35, and it is often connected to 'passion,' 'pure,' 'bravery,' and 'growth.' Many authors and poets have written about it, and people sometimes talk about that time with nostalgia.
In Korean word, youth is translated into '청년(靑年)' which is come from a Chinese word. 청(靑) means 'blue.' It is used in describing sea, green grapes, moonlight, blue jeans, etc. . Actually, I, grown in Asia, feel really inspired and fresh when I heard that word '청년(靑年)' than 'youth.' It makes me imagine a sprout. I would like to say, youth is the time that see the sign of hopeful future because it has the possibility and potential to grow surprisingly!
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You can see pictures on the facebook page: www.facebook.com/miycyouth |
Meanwhile, one of the biggest characters of youth is 'flexibility.' They are flexible to change
their thought, spread their feeling, or form a bond of sympathy and they easily can associate one another friend. You know, regardless of your nationality, most of the biggest social movements have been led by youth people in human histories.
That's why we, invites you to join MIYC, and do wonderful projects together, forming an international network of youth organisations and youth movements. The more youth join us, the more powerfully we can raise our voice for the goal of world peace.
So, don't you wonder what happens through forming this coalition? I'll post and link the news / any updated information here sooner. :)
ReplyDeleteIt makes me fresh whenever I pronunciate it.
Like the word, I wanna be cool and join MIYC, too!!